Interview with Jumsoft – Top TemplateMonster Author

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1. Hello there! Please tell us about yourself. 

Hi! It’s nice to meet you! We’re a small creative team based in the beautiful city of Vilnius, Lithuania! We have started in 2003, and some of us have been here from the very start. 

2. Nice to meet you! So, how did you decide to become a designer and to sell your products? 

It all started as a passion project between friends. Some of us were still students at that time and presenting was part of our routines. We’ve always made sure to have the best- looking presentations and eventually our peers started telling us “you should do this professionally”. That’s pretty much how it evolved from something we loved doing for ourselves to something we did for others and actually started making a living out of it. 

3. How did you come across TemplateMonster marketplace? What encouraged you to become an author? 

The way we see it, if you’re a serious designer, you have to be on TemplateMonster. So, we were very happy to be invited to join the community and have our works featured here! 

4. Do you like being your own boss? 

Of course! We don’t think creativity is something that can be done on a set schedule or according to a strict plan. So, while we had to agree on certain rules to make sure we’re all on the same page and get things done collaboratively, we’re still very much doing things our way whenever inspiration strikes! 

5. How do you create your products? Was the process improved since the time you started designing? Where do you find ideas for your products? 

While we’ve definitely improved with time and experience, most of our creative process is still done with the familiar and trusty Macs, Wacom tablets, and Adobe’s tools. The designs are then adapted to and finalized using the productivity suites that the items were designed for. Our tools changed over time, but the process remained the same for the most part. Coming up with ideas has never been too hard for us: we research online, we brainstorm, we listen to users’ suggestions – these things keep adding to our to-do list so it’s a very rare occurrence to find ourselves out of ideas. 

6. Please describe the style of your items. 

We take inspiration from a variety of styles so we cannot specify a single influence. “Eclectic” would be the best word to describe the style of our artistic works, while our business-oriented items lean strongly towards contemporary minimalism. 

7. Tell us about your greatest success in being an author? 

Being able to make a living doing what we love is our greatest success and biggest reward. Apart from that, we are very happy to see that the passion we put into our works connects with our users. We’ve been nominated and awarded multiple design awards internationally, but we always cheer the loudest when we recognize our works in the wild. We’ve come across training and marketing materials from high-profile companies that were decorated with our designs, we’ve seen our infographics being used on live television, we’ve read books that had illustrations designed by us, and to know that our works touch so many lives across the world is truly surreal! 

8. How do you plan to develop your product range? 

We always experiment with new ideas to add to the established ones. Thanks to our years of experience, we’ve grown a keen sense of users’ expectations, and an eye for good design. We do have ideas how to expand our product range further, but we’ll reveal more details when these ideas are fully crystallized! 

9. Any advice for the beginning authors? 🙂 What design tools would you recommend? 

First and foremost – be comfortable with your environment! Find the tools that you’re comfortable with and you can rely on at any moment! Don’t go chasing after the next big trend: always prioritize what you’re passionate about – this will bring out the best in you. 

10. Please tell us about your experience with TemplateMonster, would you recommend this marketplace for other designers? 

It’s lovely! The staff are friendly, responsive, and helpful! So yes, if you are any serious with your design works, you want to be on TemplateMonster! 

Additional Information for Authors

  1. Become an Author on TemplateMonster Marketplace
  2. How to Promote Products on TemplateMonster with Social Media?
  3. How to Use LinkedIn to Win New Clients and Become an Industry Influencer
  4. Promote Your Business On YouTube in 7 Steps
  5. Medium for Business: How to Use the Platform for Content Marketing
  6. Quora For Marketing and Beyond: Amplify Your Brand by Answering Questions

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